Perhaps my first experience of mindfulness happened in sports. While growing up I couldn’t get enough of sports and would play 8 hours a day if I could. It didn’t matter what sport….whatever was in season was good enough for me. As I got older I focused more on tennis, baseball and basketball. As my skills deepened I started having what we call today “zone or flow” experiences from time to time. I would have laser focus and an ease of performance that was remarkable to me and it wasn’t until I started practicing mindfulness that I realized that what I was experiencing was in fact the present moment experience talked about by practitioners of mindfulness. Up until then I wasn’t able to duplicate my “zone/flow” experiences at will while playing sports but once I started practicing mindfulness I was able to sustain the flow consistently in sports and out of sports. We now know through countless studies of mindfulness and sports what exactly is going on in the mind/body connection while experiencing the peak performance/flow/zone. Athletes all over the world are incorporating mindfulness into their training regimen in order to give them an additional edge in competition. It is also starting to dawn on many of these athletes that if they could sustain the experience outside of sports it would greatly enhance their everyday lives.
Sports has become such a powerful metaphor for life nowadays that we are putting everything athletic under the microscope and trying to discover what makes an elite athlete tick. There are of course many things that make an elite athlete tick and many of those things are not accessible to everyone. What is accessible to everyone is the mind/body integration that produces the present moment experience…..the practice of mindfulness. There is a realization that all those peak qualities have a far reaching benefit that extends way beyond sports. It extends into every aspect of our lives. Qualities such as inner and outer teamwork (mind/body coordination) , enhanced focus, attention, intuition and reduced physical, emotional and mental stress are qualities that we can use everywhere and in every situation. So whether you are LeBron James looking to express your inner Bill Gates or Bill Gates looking to express your inner LeBron James there is now a path that allows you to meet in the middle. It is called mindfulness and it deposits you square into the present moment.