Most of us like our lives to be predictable and follow a linear path. We spend a lot of time and energy trying to line things up that way. In spite of all our efforts, life has a habit of unfolding in ways that continue to surprise us beyond imagination. Mindfulness, like life, follows that same arc of surprise but even more so. When we set out to practice mindfulness it’s as if we are fertilizing our growth and experiencing the greenhouse effect of that fertilizer, light, warmth and water.
When I began practicing I assumed there would be a slow gradual growth, which there was….something I could control with structured practice and discipline. It didn’t take long to figure out that in spite of my well planned practice and discipline, my slow gradual growth often took turns in the road that were completely unforeseen. It took me a long time to get used to the idea of having my life peppered with surprises and growing in new ways. In fact, I still get unsettled from time to time with the turn of events (inner and outer) that seem to come out of nowhere and make no sense whatsoever.
I have come to a point where I expect the unexpected. Actually it goes beyond that. To expect the unexpected still involves expectations so I have taken the next step to where I have let go of all expectations. I now welcome surprises. That letting go of expectations is very freeing and allows for entry into the present moment….the essential experience of mindfulness.