Mindfulness and Creativity. How does mindfulness create and sustain the creative process? The essence of the creative process is freedom. The opposite of freedom is fear (although many say the opposite of fear is love). That being said, perhaps there is a close relationship between freedom and love.
Throughout the ages people have described the feeling that comes with the creative process and it is generally one of being in the moment/flow of whatever activity you are involved in. There is a timeless and effortless sense that usually is experienced as well as a sense of positive energy and a feeling of satisfaction. This is of course the specific quality of present moment awareness and is the result of either a sustained training in mindfulness or having stumbled upon an activity/subject that allows you to enter the present moment as a particular doorway for you. We all have activities/subjects that put us into this experience but all too few of us can access this experience 24×7 which is the real effect of mindfulness practice.
For many, creativity comes as either a physical, mental, emotional or “spiritual” experience or a combination of some of these. For the mindfulness practitioner they are trained in engaging all 4 areas in the exercise of creativity so that it becomes a truly holistic experience. There is a sense of balance driving the creativity and is sustained by that balanced “chi” energy rather than the artificial, temporary adrenaline energy so many people become reliant upon and sustain with negative behaviors, eventually succumbing to it’s pressure over the long term.
There is limitless creativity available to everyone when you step into the present moment.